Archive for ‘English’


Oops, I did it again (BIT!)

#AtibaiaDoAvesso, a selfie inspired InsideOut Project Individual action with 21 posters


InsideOutAtibaia: A Samba driven occupation!

This past Sunday was a very important day in Atibaia.  It was an artistic and social occupation of Caetetuba, one of the poorest neighborhoods in this city if 125,000. Just beside the waste recycling facility, by the former landfill area, a derelict shed that had been overridden by homeless and drug users started to become the “Estação do Samba” (Samba Station), a project promoted by the School of Samba “Imperial de Caetetuba”. And this transformation started by wall papering the façade.


InsideOutAtibaia: Botando a cara na Imperial

Many residents and visitors of Atibaia, a mountainside town in the outskirts of São Paulo metropolis, are unaware of the huge part of the city that is situated across the Fernão Dias highway. Among others, Caetetuba and Jardim Imperial, are very populous and poor neighborhoods, not only in terms of infrastructure but also because of the lack of cultural activities and opportunities. The surroundings of the “Estação do Samba” have only recently received drainage and paving.


A colagem dos pôsteres foi dia 02/02

The project, a partnership of a local artist and the School of Samba Imperial de Atibaia, is part of the OcupaAtibaia initiative, promoted by the Incubadora de Artistas organization.

Jaime Scatena is an artist and photographer (and engineer and journalist …) who spent 2013 travelling through the United States, and brought back something special in his luggage: InsideOut (a global participatory art project). And literally ‘in his luggage’ since several of the posters he brought back from the US have already been pasted on the walls of his house in the Vila Gardenia neighborhood. “I had friends who sent me messages saying ‘now I know where you live!’. To which I promptly replied: ‘is it that obvious?”, Jaime tells, referring to his ‘Selfie InsideOut installation’.

Mr. Scatena says that through the InsideOut Project website –, anyone, from anywhere, can use their faces to stand for what they believe. “The InsideOut team receives the digital files in their studio in NY, prepares and prints the
posters to be sent to all corners of the globe”.

InsideOut: A global art project transforming messages of personal identity into works of art.


42 pôsteres colados em pouco mais de 3 horas

With the statement “Botando a cara na Imperial de Atibaia” the ‘InsideOutAtibaia: Reciclagem’ project pasted photos of 42 participants of the School of Samba  and local community on the walls of this shed recently granted to the School of Samba to become a cultural center.

The place will be named “Estação do Samba” and will provide for the establishment of crafts & arts courses, and workshops to prepare for the annual carnival parade. “This is our dream since we started working with samba in Atibaia, more than 5 years ago: to have a place where we could work with the community throughout the year”,  says Jamil Scatena, composer, singer, samba and a founder of the school, along with his wife, carnival producer Mariá Scatena.

The shed was built along with the installation of the Recycling Facility Plant to be a ‘Rubble/construction market’, but the idea flopped. A non-governmental organization tried to run its programs on site but failed. Recently the place was abandoned and had already been plundered and invaded by homeless and drug users.

“The local community kept asking us to take over the place and convert it into something that could be used by the locals. Not only would be be able to make this into a cultural center it would also clean up the neighborhood. Once everything was formalized with the local municipality, one of the first things we did was to inaugurate the place with this artistic action. We also have music programs established and other cultural events.” Jaimil says. And adds “We are very happy and have always supported Jaime’s idea to change the face of the place using the faces of the community.”

This project seeks personal empowerment of the participants, in an action to rescue their personal identities by taking and printing their portraits in large size format. And strengthening community ties by the collaborative work during the posters’ pasting and the mural’s creation.

Photographs were taken in a studio set up in the streets, just in front of a neighborhood bar. During two afternoons 42 people showed up to take their portraits, including children, babies, grannies, samba dancers, and the samba band leader. The files were then processed and sent to NY. “Having worked with them, I sent everything all prepared, the way they require and two days later the posters were posted.” The pictures were so nice that the project put one of the pictures as their profile picture on Facebook.

InsideOutAtibaia, Inside InsideOut

InsideOutAtibaia, Inside InsideOut

“I have to admit I do not get involved in the Carnival half as much as my parents do. They give their sweat, their blood and their voice to Imperial, so I decided to help them with art and photography. I’m sure the project will make a positive impact in the community and I am very happy and proud to be part of it all, “adds Jaime. “My dream is to bring to Brazil the InsideOut truck I travelled with last year, Odette. It would be fantastic to be driving around the country with a cool photo booth like that…”.

Our project’s goal is to promote their Personal Identities through their portraits as well as Reinforce their Community bonds, since only with
everyone’s help they can bring their samba school in to the Carnival Parade.”


The Photographed Body | Fotografando o Corpo

Acesse a apresentação clicando na imagem abaixo | See the presentation clicking on the image below.

Photographed Body, Cover | JKScatena

The Photographed Body | Fotografando o Corpo – ©JKScatena/2013



Narcissus (Prettier than me)

He's prettier | Jaime Scatena

Narcissus (Greek: Νάρκισσος), in Greek mythology was a hunter from the territory of Thespiae in Boeotia who was renowned for his beauty.
He was the son of a river god named Cephissus and a nymph named Liriope. He was exceptionally proud, in what he did to those who loved him.
Nemesis saw this and attracted Narcissus to a pool where he saw his own reflection in the water and fell in love with it, not realizing it was merely an image. Unable to leave the beauty of his reflection, Narcissus died.

Source: Wikipedia

I was told I came back too much of a Lichtenstein… Oh well…


U2 playing in New York’s Electric Lady Studios – Official video

You probably remember my adventure helping JR pasting a special InsideOut Project mural for U2’s video, at the historic Electric Lady Studios, in NY.

U2 @ Electric Lady Studios, NY

U2 @ Electric Lady Studios, NY

Here it is the official video, for the One project, an acoustic performance of “Sunday Bloody Sunday” for the ONE agit8 campaign, which celebrates the power of protests songs.

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U2 was playing in my Office

Since the new Daft Punk album is still reverberating in my head (I especially love, Get Lucky Lose Yourself to Dance and Beyond) I feel like  “DaftPunk is Playing in my House”. What I could never have expected is that I would see ‘U2 playing in my Office’ … but that’s exactly what happened last Friday.

U2 in NYC (InsideOut)

U2 in NYC (InsideOut)

I’m working with the InsideOut Project team, after I volunteered on the action they did in Times Square in early May. This is a unique opportunity, apart from the fantastic experience of working with someone like JR, the guy who created InsideOut, from a desire that art could help change the world.

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The_Singing_GIF (Gilbert & George)

The_Singing_GIF (Gilbert & George)


Forget Everything!

Belief + Doubt = Sanity (Kruger) Washington: Forget Everything (Kruger)


Tão sutil quanto o louco que sou

Tão sutil quanto o louco que sou | Webland | Jaime Scatena

Tão sutil quanto o louco que sou | Webland | Jaime Scatena

KEEP CALM AND… « Multigraphias.

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Metallic dreams, Kitchen dreams

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The Image: A visual retrospective II

Prezi designed for my “Photography, Art and Architecture” workshop as a visual retrospective of The Architectural Image, from the Renaissance to Contemporary.

The Image: A visual retrospective II

The Image: A visual retrospective II (click to open)


Keep Calm and Respect the Mustache

Keep Calm and Respect the Mustache


Finding Paradise

Finding Paradise | WebLand


Muybridge standing still

Muybridge Standing Still | Internet | Jaime Scatena





If I decide (for A. Wakahara)

If I decide (for A.Wakahara)


Shall we have some soup?

Soup 4 1

Soup 4 1

via Shall we have some soup? « Multigraphias.


History of the Animated GIF

Ok, I have to admit I became a GIF man… No! I’m not into any kind of physical transformation, but I’m in love with GIF’s and the possibilities of image creation derived from this rather simple file format, created back on the pre-history of the Internet.


For me it was, at the beginning, a way to put TIME into photography.

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Occupy São Paulo pitches camp in Banking District |

The "Anonymous" Mask is also around here

The "Anonymous" Mask is also around here

Maybe they are trying to make the most of the movement’s power or just to get closer to the so-called responsible actors of World’s recent recession. One way or the other, the Occupy São Paulo protesters left their original camping site in São Paulo downtown today to set their tents on São Paulo’s (and Brazil’s) most significant banking district, Paulista Avenue.

Something like 20 tents were being set tonight: “almost all of those that were by Anhangabaú Boulevard” said one of the protesters. “And we’ll stay here until the police comes to take us out”, he continued, even though not a single policeman could be seen around. Of course the Anonymous mask – maybe the most omnipresent symbol of worldwide protesters – is also here, on the face of the statue that marks the end of Paulista Avenue and on the face of a protester, the one playing guitar to entertain their friends on this not so warm spring night.

Entertaining the protesters with some music

Entertaining the protesters with some music

The movement isn’t as strong as the ones in New York or London, their cry has not been worldwide noticed, but they are doing what they can to attract media and public attention, setting their tents among São Paulo’s most iconic avenue after having left their original site, close to São Paulo’s mayor office.

We do exist. Ocupa Sampa

We do exist. Ocupa Sampa

via Occupy São Paulo moves to Brazil’s banking district |


Who am I?


Who am I? | Atibaia/Nowhere | Jaime Scatena

via Essa Coisa Estranha que Chamamos de “HUMANO” | This Strange Thing We Call “HUMAN” « MULTIGRAPHIAS.


Ao Ler o que Escrevia ouVia a Voz

Primeiro achou muito ovvia a resposta… teve até receio de comentar e parecer petulante, entende? Até porque não me vinha à cabeça nenhuma forma que não fosse ovvia de fazer ver a voz. Ver a Voz… Ver a Voz… Ao ler gostou do Som. Ver a Voz… Ver a Voz… Achava engraçado, pois ouvia a Voz na cabeça… Ver a Voz.

Ao Ler o que Escrevia ouVia a Voz.


He first considered the answer way too ovvia… decided not to comment and might sound petulant, got it? Specially because nothing too obvious came to his mind as a way to be able to See the Voice. Quite strange… See the Voice… it’s indeed weird, because in Portuguese (up above), “See the Voice” suddenly becomes the center of the narrative, or should I say, the sound of it, “See the Voice”, being heard as you read the text, is somehow funny, or interesting, as a pun or a tong twister.

Still, while Reading what he was Writing, he could Listen to the Voice. (and that’s a shame again, because in “ouVia a Voz” you can blend both verbs – See and Listen – together)


Primo considerò la risposta troppo ovvia… aveva una quasi paura di commentare e suonare petulante, tè capi? Principalmente perché non abbia pensato nessuna alternativa che non fossi così ovvia per fare vere la voce. Vere la Voce… Vere la voce… mentre leggeva l’hai piaciuto como suonava. Vere la Voce… Vere la Voce… Trovava divertente, perché sentiva la voce nella testa… Vere la Voce.

Mentre Leggeva quello che Scriveva, guardava la Voce.




Tristan Tzara’s Multigraphy

E a culpa, de quem é? - Tristan Tzara’s Multigraphy


Based on the cover art of DifferentialsPoetryPoeticsPedagogy“, a book by Marjorie Perloff.


Inspired – The english version

I had not even finished seeing the exhibition and was already eager to do pictures like those from Francesca Woodman; I even knew the location, the corner of my bedroom with the radiator and the wooden floor. On that night, and on the following days I went through a photographic journey that produced the images seen below.



Francesca’s work provoked me a melancholic reaction and in the first set of photos, I’ve tried to reproduce this feeling. in these pictures my face is not shown – hidden, covered, concealed – one of the key characteristics of her work. I tried to merge with the environment using the movement, producing a blurring effect on the face and body. To enhance this merging effect I’ve set the camera for high sensibility, causing the grainy appearance.



This series is basically on black and white, as a direct influence from Francesca’s work. As I was taking the pictures during the night time, I used a light source that caused an interesting effect that also enhanced the contours. This was an error, if an direct comparison with Francesca’s original work is to be made, a friend of mine suggested.  I have to thank Emanuele Camisassa for inviting me to the exhibition, for helping me think about the work I’ve done and also for persuading me to write this text that tells the evolution of my own pictures.

The morning after I produced a photo that directly relates to one from the exhibition, but with my personal presentation – lightly coloured, instead of the original black and white.

JKScatena as F.Woodman

JKScatena as F.Woodman

My “voglia” (the Italian for will) was not satisfied yet so I’ve also produced the series below (already considering Emanuele’s comments) but now with the presence of the face and also exploring the double – triple, quadruple – exposure as a way to merge the body and the environment.



Since the first series, I was wearing only a shirt, and sometimes not even that – I was undressing voluntarily, opening myself to the experience without shame. I also used a mask – as Francesca sometimes did – creating a faceless, and a slightly bizarre, character. Almost all of these pictures are black and white but with coloured ones, these last with an altered colour tone.

On the last series I used my 50 mm lens, which I love for creating an interesting lighting effect. Here I explored, not only the double exposure, but also my Milanese house’s doors as scenic elements. The empty chair, refers to an unoccupied place, that is not completely shown. These pictures are mostly coloured.



At the end the “voglia” I was satisfied. My first artistic productive journey – with a theme as far as possible derived from my previous work – as concluded. My artist’s ego was satisfied with the beautiful and interesting result of my labour. I finish the experience somehow changed and in a certain way evolved.



PS.: The slideshow and gallery with all the pictures taken is here.


Estate at the Navilgi and the Aperitivi*

I’m living now on Milan’s south side, in a room I’ve rented from a guy who posted his advert in the website (a nice suggestion for those looking for temporary residence in town), reasonably central, close to the XXIV Maggio Square and to my lessons, at Scuola Leonardo Da Vinci. And also nearby there’s a zone of Milan, the Navigli, that gets very busy during the summer.

Naviglio Grande

Naviglio Grande

As the very important city it was, Milan required a port to improve the commerce. During the 12th century construction began of the Grande and Pavese canals, the Navigli, which connects the Ticino River and the Maggiore Lake. I was told that there were several other canals all over Milan and that they were land-filled during the WW II to allow the transit of the war tanks, but also for hygienic reasons. I also heard that there’s a project for resurrecting them for the 2015 Milan World Exhibition. Anyway, nowadays there are only this two Navigli and the Darsena (that connects both).


Super Gulp! Comics

The Navigli zone is Milan’s bohemian quarter, filled with trendy shops – like “Punti di Visti”, (with beautiful cards, posters, signs) and SuperGulp! (a comics store). By dawn the local artists exhibit their work by the canals and bars and restaurants filling the streets with tables, chairs and sofas for the best bohemian tradition I’ve seen in ages, the Aperitivo. When you by a drink during the happy hour, usually from 18h30 until 21h00, you pay an extra – usually from 5€ to 10€ for a drink – but you can enjoy a full buffet with traditional finger food and sometimes even pizza and pasta, in a “all you can eat” policy. You can easily have dinner! All bars in Milan have the Aperitivo a real local tradition. I’d love if the bars around the globe also adopted this tradition…

Naviglio Grande

Naviglio Grande

I recommend the bar ¡Mas!, at the Naviglio Grande, with a amazing buffet, tables and sofas just by the canal and a competitive pricing policy. The first pint (San Miguel and, unfortunately not Foster’s, which reminds me London’s Soho) costs 8€, but from the second on, you pay only 5€ (yes, expensive, but that’s the regular price over here… another reason I miss Soho and the £3.30/pint!). Be careful because some new waiters may not includethe discount on the subsequent pints.

During August, the official Italian holiday month, Milan is a ghost (and hot!!) town with all the shops closed and the Milanese heading to the beaches. All you can do is head to the Navigli which stays busy during this month.

Naviglio Grande

Naviglio Grande

*Language Comment: in Italian the plural is not as in English, or even Portuguese, where all you need is an ‘s’ on the end of most of the words. Here the rule for masculine words, finished with an ‘o’, they get the plural form by changing it for an ‘i’; the feminine words, finished with an ‘a’, change for an ‘e’. So, you have a ragazza (lady) and many ragazze (ladies); a macchina (car) and two macchine; one ragazzo (guy) and several ragazzi (guys) etc. Of course you’ll find some exceptions. Anyway, this post’s title is about the summer (Estate) at the canals – Navigli (plural of Naviglio, canal) – Grande and Pavese and the (many) Aperitivi.


Email Confirmation and Reminder

Most of nowadays companies run on the basis of e-mails and an average of 1.2 billions of e-mails are sent on a daily basis from non-spam sources. It doesn’t really matter what your job is, you will most probably have to e-mail your boss, a client or an associate a status report on a regular basis. Building the report up, gathering all the data, analyzing it, formatting and so might already be an easy task. Forgetting to send it might put you in big trouble. That’s when the Email Confirmation and Reminder tools are most useful.

Sometimes you have to confirm the receipt of a given message and the email confirmation and reminder usually has a standard pre-formatted message that is automatically sent upon the opening of a message, on an auto-reply system. Some of the systems allows the user to decide either to send it or not and you might even define as your standard not to send it. On the other end, many email confirmation and reminder have the receipt confirmation feature turned on as the standard procedure and you can also turn it off, deciding individually each message you will need the receipt confirmation.

Some useful features of an email confirmation and reminder include:

  • Out of the office reply: you can set a message to be sent while you are on holidays or even just at an out-of-the-office meeting, instructing how to proceed on these cases – call your personal assistant, a colleague or just wait for your return. You could even assign an emergency phone number where you could be reached.
  • Appointments reminders: you can define a message to be sent to you in order to remind you an important meeting or task you have to perform. It’s like having your schedule coming alive and poking you any given time.
  • Automated confirmation: most of the websites have a contact form that you fill out with enquires. Having an email automatically sent confirming your enquire was properly received, and sometimes even bearing a protocol number is helpful and doesn’t require any human intervention.

Email confirmation and reminder messages have their place, but will never replace the proper response with the information you really need on it.

Email confirmation and reminder is definitely a useful tool on nowadays email based company environment. Having an email confirmation and reminder might even save you from forgetting to send a report that took you ages to produce.